Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Monday, Monday

So how comes nobody told me that planning a wedding wasn't easy!!

L and I have been trying to work out the details for our wedding day, (10th August 2007) it can be a little frustrating at times. Half the time neither of us quite fully understand what exactly the other one means and we end up talking cross purposes; but I think we are getting there finally. Just a matter of confirming with the Hotel today, and arranging another time to pop down and have a chat with the manager, which hopefully will be this Saturday coming.

I was very pleased last week, when my very good friend James agreed to be my Best Man, even better was that he appeared to be as happy about it as I was. We are off to dinner with he and his wife Louise tomorrow evening, just as we haven't seen them for three months and to run through the basic plan so far, will be great to see them both again.

Off to L's brother's this evening to ask if his Son's would like to perform a piece of music after the ceremony.

James and my thoughts must surely now turn to the STAG WEEKEND and no doubt it will come up for discreet discussion on Wednesday over dinner (out of earshot of the girls of course) and again over the coming months, any suggestions for where we can go, ideally overseas as I like flying so much, please feel free to comment.

My neighbour Claire returned to her flat over the weekend, almost a month to the day after the accident that claimed the life of her boyfriend Mike. Seems that the move had to be cancelled, which is a real shame for her, but it is really good to have her back and we look forward to perhaps getting to know her a bit better and offering any support that we are able to.

That's your lot for now. See ya tomorrow!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew there was something I meant to tell you.. mate, believe me, planning a wedding day is not easy. Trust me on this one ! Actually, I don't seem to remember planning mine - it just happened..

As for your stag night, I'd recommend Amsterdam - not as cheap as Prague, but just as exciting, everyone speaks English, only an hour to fly over (and you can go from Heathrow), great beer.. need I say more ??

8:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

11:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Keep up the good work. Thanks for sharing this wonderful site with us.

7:37 AM  

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