Well that was a fairly interesting weekend.
Having started with a top early evening out with some of my work colleagues, I headed off back to Alton to meet up with L who was out with her friends from Pilates.
They headed off to the Baker's and the the Weybridge so I left them to it and headed off home. Whilst out, L managed to hurt her foot and so by the time she made it back home around midnight or so she was seriously having problems and could hardly put any weight on it.
Saturday morning arrived and with the foot still causing a real problem her Mum took her to Basingstoke A & E to have it checked out. X-rays showed it was just a bad sprain thankfully but her inability to drive forced us to postpone our planned trip to Chichester to see my Mum and Dad and to have a wander round and look at the Wedding Cake shop.
Taxi to the White Horse for a great night out, T and J our friends were out and we had a really enjoyable time chatting and drinking with them. Taxi home couple more drinks and then bed.
Sunday, a beautiful day in Alton, not, being too tight to get a taxi to and from Sainbury's I walked down to get as much of our weekly shopping as I could, then settled down to watch th e football.
A professional Arsenal performance against Reading, with the Gunners sweeping aside the Berkshire based side with relative ease. Henry opened the scoring with just 58 seconds on the clock after great work from Fabregas, and Hleb made it two after a one-two again with Fabregas. Henry played in Hleb who cut back for Van Persie to make it 3 and Henry played in Fabregas who was felled by Hannemann in the Reading goal for a penalty and Henry stepped up a slotted home Arsenal's 4th. Rosicky could have added another as he attempted to round Hannemann but the American did well to deny him with an outstretched arm.
The game drifted for the last 20 minutes with the hard work done Arsenal attempted to keep the ball and even the Arsenal changes did not inject any more urgency into the game.
Carling Cup this week and hopefully an opportunity for the youngsters to show their skills against West Brom.
Having started with a top early evening out with some of my work colleagues, I headed off back to Alton to meet up with L who was out with her friends from Pilates.
They headed off to the Baker's and the the Weybridge so I left them to it and headed off home. Whilst out, L managed to hurt her foot and so by the time she made it back home around midnight or so she was seriously having problems and could hardly put any weight on it.
Saturday morning arrived and with the foot still causing a real problem her Mum took her to Basingstoke A & E to have it checked out. X-rays showed it was just a bad sprain thankfully but her inability to drive forced us to postpone our planned trip to Chichester to see my Mum and Dad and to have a wander round and look at the Wedding Cake shop.
Taxi to the White Horse for a great night out, T and J our friends were out and we had a really enjoyable time chatting and drinking with them. Taxi home couple more drinks and then bed.
Sunday, a beautiful day in Alton, not, being too tight to get a taxi to and from Sainbury's I walked down to get as much of our weekly shopping as I could, then settled down to watch th e football.
A professional Arsenal performance against Reading, with the Gunners sweeping aside the Berkshire based side with relative ease. Henry opened the scoring with just 58 seconds on the clock after great work from Fabregas, and Hleb made it two after a one-two again with Fabregas. Henry played in Hleb who cut back for Van Persie to make it 3 and Henry played in Fabregas who was felled by Hannemann in the Reading goal for a penalty and Henry stepped up a slotted home Arsenal's 4th. Rosicky could have added another as he attempted to round Hannemann but the American did well to deny him with an outstretched arm.
The game drifted for the last 20 minutes with the hard work done Arsenal attempted to keep the ball and even the Arsenal changes did not inject any more urgency into the game.
Carling Cup this week and hopefully an opportunity for the youngsters to show their skills against West Brom.
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